Guided by the sayings to serve humanity is to serve the Almighty, Ibn Sina Trust was eastablished in 1980, under the enthusiastic leadership of a group of visionaries. The beginning steps were small but the footsteps is now giant for this country. The entrepreneurs have had the belief that a thousand kilometer journey is started with a single footstep. Alhamdulillah, this organization was able to bring breakthrough in private healthcare sector of Bangladesh, over last three decades, by building a number of hospitals, laboratories, consultation centres, pharmaceutical industry and obviously this glorious medical college (ISMC), All the profit earn by this trust return to serve the sufferer humanity. Millions of people are benifited from its benevolence. Its effort are not only concentrated for posh areas, rather it devoted for the poor community irrespective of cast and creed, religion or ethnicity. Its services are extended even to the remotest area of Bangladesh, like Longdu upazilla of Rangamati hill district, the extreme corner of the country by topography and economy.
The trust was named upon the greatest physcian and scientist Ibn Sina (980-1037), popularly known as Avecina whose book Al-Kanun fil-Tibb was regarded as the Bible for the physcians till the end of 19th century.
After having an experience of building different healthcare organizations, the Trustee Board felt the necessity to establish a medical college to produce doctors of high professional acumen blended with values. As a part of this endeavour, Ibn Sina Medical College started its journey from 1st July 2005 with 50 students. The 15th intake of MBBS is going to incept this year with glory and pride.
We know, all the good works will return good. May Allah accept Ibn Sina Medical College as our good work in the way to proceed to Jannah................ Amin.