In February 2017, talk by external faculty Prof. Abdur Rashid Abdur Rahman professor of university of malaya gave a lecture on ' Role of research in medical profession'
4th CME : Live workshop sawbone Demonstration & Instructional course on Total Hip and knee Replacement surgery was held on 22 July, 2017, Presided by Dr. A K M Sadrul Islam, Chief guest was Prof. Dr. Qazi Shahidul Alam, Ex-Prof. NITOR, director IBBL. Special guest of this program was Prof. Dr. A N M Ziur Rahman, Principal, Ibn Sina Medical College. Guest of honour was Dr. Sudipta Mukharjee, seniour Cons. Orthopedics, Peerless Hospital, India.
In October, 2021 a seminar was held in IBN SINA Medical College on "World Osteoporosis Day". Prof. Dr. Rafiqul Islam Head of the Department of Orthopedics presided this program.
In March, 2022 a CME on "Management of Acute Variceal Bleeding & Hepatorenal Syndrome in a Resource Limited Setting" was held.